Written by Vasiliki A. Ntavlourou, BVM, GPCert(ExAP), MRCVS.

In our clinic we offer ultrasonography. This is a very useful non invasive diagnostic tool, especially in cases of pregnancy where taking xrays can be detrimental for both patient and foetuses.



Ultrasound scanning is a very simple procedure and can be performed during a routine consultation. It does not cause pain to the patient and most of the times it does not require sedation/anesthesia.

Ultrasonography can visually answer in  a variety of cases of internal organ (liver, kidneys, genital tract, heart, urinary bladder) disfunction.

We prefer performing ultrasound scans under scheduled appointments to ensure the time is taken for a thorough examination and most accurate results. In an emergency case, the procedure is performed as priority over scheduling. The animal is restrained by the owner or a nursing assistant , the body area of interest to be scanned is clipped and prepared aseptically and an ultrasonic  gel is applied on the skin.

The owner can be present during the examination and an explanation of the scan results and photo prints are provided. Copies are always kept in the practice's archive.

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